Why Reciprocal Teaching - RT3T™ Matters?
Reciprocal Teaching outperforms regular teaching
This bar graph shows how reciprocal teaching can massively outperform ‘teaching as usual’, which is represented by the red line for the average effect size for a year of teaching in Aotearoa New Zealand. For more on the evidence base for reciprocal teaching see this article.

RT3T™ is modernised Reciprocal Teaching
RT3T™ is a modernised version of reciprocal teaching which aims at improving students' skills in accessing and understanding challenging text in any learning area – with a high impact, inclusive and sustainable model.
- RT3T™ promotes ‘confident, connected, actively involved lifelong learners’ (NZC, Vision Statement, 2007, p8)
- RT3T™ is evidence-based
- RT3T™ is a foundational collaborative and inclusive pedagogy that is cross-curricular
- RT3T™ changes the way teachers teach and learners learn together
RT3T™ promotes confident, connected, actively involved lifelong learners

With RT3T™, students are much more likely to engage quickly and to succeed and accelerate on reading, language, thinking and content learning tests, and in NCEA and Scholarship
What could our tamariki and rangatahi expect to get from RT3T™?
- Quickly double their progress in reading
- Learn how to understand texts that seem hard to understand at first
- Learn how to use reciprocal teaching key thinking skills for coping with challenging texts and tasks
- Learn ways to get smarter at thinking – learn metacognitive skills
- Develop confident oral language and collaborative skills so they can work productively with anyone in any subject area, and for life
- Become excited about developing leadership skills
- Feel safer and happier at school – experience less racism, discrimination and bullying