What High School Ākonga / Students say about Reciprocal Teaching - RT3T™
Students Reflect

Reciprocal Teaching has helped me a lot through the term. I’ve never done reading in a group before so it was fun being the teacher, helping others out and not the teacher always being the teacher.
Now I know more words and what they mean.
I’ve learnt how to ask inferential questions.
I need more help in being confident and summarising.
I love this modern reading.
I really enjoy Reciprocal Teaching because it helps me work with a group and I can predict and summarise without help. Now I am confident and I have a really loud voice and it’s making reading easier for me to understand the text.
On track for NCEA?
When we came back from the holidays we had six Year 10 students, who have been a challenge to work with, come in chanting: ‘we want more RT - how do we get back in, Miss? Do we need to fail our e-asTTle tests?' (hahaha).
Life Skills
At the 3-way-conferences, parents told their teacher that their daughter and son (in another class) were using Reciprocal Teaching together at home when reading with their younger brother.
I used ‘summarising’ after watching the TV news.
I used ‘prediction’ at the end of a cool movie.
I used the 4 thinking skills for an interview.
A westie kid
I used Reciprocal Teaching for my interview. I made up some thoughtful ‘questions’ and a ‘summary’ about me. Then, during the interview I was confident enough to use ‘clarifying’ when I didn’t understand something the principal said. At the end I checked out if they could ‘predict’ what may happen next. And, wow, Reciprocal Teaching worked for me. I got accepted into my first choice school.
I used Reciprocal Teaching to stay focussed on learning British law at all hours of the night for my new job
A working Kiwi in London
I used Reciprocal Teaching to stay focussed on learning British law at all hours of the night for my new job. I’d read a chunk and then ‘clarify’ anything I didn’t understand, make up ‘questions’ I might get asked in court the next day, ‘summarise’ the main themes, and ‘predict’ what else I needed to know, before studying further.