RT3T™ Multi-strategy Package
Unique developments
- RT3T™ is a contemporary and accessible prototype of reciprocal teaching, specifically for the New Zealand context. This includes modifications based on the latest research. Developed initially with Pasifika ākonga, this prototype generates quick excitement, ownership and strong outcomes with all ākonga and their teachers.
- The new RT3T™ school-wide and cluster-wide multi-phase strategy is highly effective for all ākonga, their schools, whānau and communities. This includes Māori, Pasifika and multicultural ākonga and priority groups such as boys, migrants, neurodiverse ākonga.

- Adaptations for specific learning of ākonga of all ages (from 5 year olds to tertiary ākonga).
- RT3T™ raises both the capability of teachers to effectively apply reciprocal teaching, and the schools’ capability to effectively implement a cohesive, sustainable, school-wide strategy.
Over the last few years the RT3T™ team have continued to refine RT3T™ in response to differing and changing contexts, at all year levels in schools | Kāhui Ako | clusters of schools at all decile levels, in Auckland, Bay of Plenty and Southland regions.
Current foci within RT3T™ schools
- All year levels;
- Core pedagogy weaving learning across the curriculum e.g. Literacy, Maths, English, Science, Social Science, place-based / local curriculum, integrated learning;
- Key competencies and resilience, student agency;
- Languages, supporting ākonga to become culturally aware, articulate, confident and competent in languages such as Te Reo Māori, Samoan, Cook Island Māori, Tongan, Mandarin;
- Teachers trained in RT3T™ have co-teaching support to transfer and embed this universal pedagogy into bilingual and Māori Medium classes and / or other languages;
- Inclusion and learning support;

- Partnerships for seamless transitioning between, within and beyond schools;
- Home-school partnerships and distance learning;
- Leadership development.