RTeach Newsletter – September 2022
The RTeach newsletter is out for September 2022.

There has been a great deal of media interest in student achievement of late, particularly around the decline in literacy and maths levels. You may have read the article Chosen to Fail published recently (8.08.22) in both the Listener and the NZ Herald. One section of the article focused on an interview with Shirley Hardcastle, the Principal of Viscount School, who identified the successes achieved using Reciprocal Teaching.
What wasn’t mentioned was that RTeach Institute facilitators are working with Shirley and the teachers at Viscount School, implementing a fresh approach to reciprocal teaching, developed by Dr Julia Westera, co-author of Best Evidence Synthesis – Reciprocal Teaching.
Dr Westera created Reciprocal Teaching - RT3T™, as a strategic approach with a focus on empowering our students to accelerate their learning – and to achieve success in all their schooling and everyday endeavours. RT3T™ is designed to equip, engage and empower all of our learners, throughout their lives, using culturally responsive and inclusive approaches. RT3T™ is fully aligned with the NZC Vision Statement (2007, p8), Tātaiako and Tapasā.
To achieve seismic shifts in student achievement, such as those seen at Viscount School, RT3T™ must be well implemented by skilled and trained facilitators. It involves careful school-wide planning with each school, coaching in critical thinking, literacy and leadership skills for students, and ongoing coaching and support for teachers.

You can read the full newsletter below:
secondary school
RTeach team